This ones for you. Take what you need. Leave what you don’t.
We like to say things like...
“Oh, I’m ~just~ a mother, daughter, partner or friend.”
“Oh, I’m ~just~ working part-time.”
“Oh, I ~just~ do this as a side hustle.”
“Oh, I’m ~just~ in school.”
“Oh, I’m ~just~ … (you fill in the blank).”
For a while now I’ve been plagued by this ~just~ thing.
"Oh, I just do part-time work for a few businesses.
and I just do freelance graphic design & photography stuff on the side."
“I don’t have a full-time job.”
Some of you might read that and think ~just~? Sounds like you’re really busy.
It’s not that I’m not busy.. or working hard, but in this culture we’ve all been brought up to believe that working 40+ hours for a salary is the norm.
That having a “good job” is the only way to be successful in life.
Or at least it can feel that way.
So, we add the word ~just~ because what we are doing isn’t the norm.
I am doing more than ~just~ working part time and having a side hustle.
I am an in-house graphic artist and social media manager for three small businesses and the CEO of the Heller Creative Co.
You aren’t ~just~ a stay at home parent.
You are a wrangler of young humans and keeping them alive daily!
You aren’t ~just~ working on a side hustle.
You are chasing a bigger and better future for yourself.
You aren’t ~just~ in school.
You are investing in YOU.
You aren’t ~just~ working at *insert corporation here*.
You are a manager of a specialized team for a global corporation!
You aren’t ~just~ taking a year off.
You are on a personal journey for self love, growth and improvement.
Whatever it is!!! You are more than ~just~
I am more than ~just~
We are more than ~just.
Go get‘em!
Love always,
- Photo by Sergey Shmidt on Unsplash
Download for the file above and use it as a computer background to remind yourself. 💖